Seniors Living Design
Studio GL, working as part of a team headed by Lewis + Zwart Architecture, were commissioned by the Warrumbungle Shire Council to create a masterplan and detailed designs for the Three Rivers Regional Retirement Community at Dunedoo. Initial funding was for 11 self-care units on the site but the masterplan allows for future development of up to 21 self-care units. Subsequently additional funding has been sourced to enable development of all 21 units.
Studio GL worked with the architects to identify the best option for access and circulation across the site with the aim to reduce the amount of roadworks required, create lots with better solar access and also focus views away from the highway and towards an area of open space along a creek to the east. We also recommended the use of centralised parking courts in the awkward “corners” of the site to provide parking that allowed dwellings to become a more prominent element along the street views.
This project is currently under construction.
Services: Masterplanning, Residential Design
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