Urban Design Review - Studio GL
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Urban Design Review

Studio GL was commissioned by the residents of Bonner Avenue and North Steyne, Manly to review a development application for the proposed development of an apartment building on an adjoining site.

We assessed the proposed development’s compliance with the standards set by SEPP 65 and the Residential Flat Design Code and prepared a concise document outlining evidence of the proposed development’s non-compliance which was supplied to the residents, we also spoke at The Manly Independent Assessment Panel (MPIA). The panel found the development had excessive height, with poor contextual regard to neighbours and non-compliant setbacks affecting the amenity & privacy of neighbours. The panel also stated that the proposed development would set a poor precedent for future development in the area and unanimously refused approval.


Client: Residents of Bonner Avenue & North Steyne, Manly


Project date: 2015


Services: Feasibility Pre-Design, Residential Design


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