Studio GL was commissioned to prepare site-specific planning controls as part of a rezoning of a former bowling club in Drummoyne from RE2 Private Recreation to R3 Medium Density Residential. We undertook a site analysis and developed planning and built form controls based on an understanding of the site’s conditions, including solar access, neighbouring built form and interface to surrounding buildings, and consideration of the visual impact of the building mass when viewed from the Sydney Harbour foreshore.
3D modelling of the initial built form envelope enabled investigation of the shadow impacts on neighbouring properties and streetscapes. After feedback from the planning panel we developed envelope controls for the DCP that clearly identified the location and scale of the building massing and the location of balconies.
Client: City of Canada Bay
Project date: 2015
Services: Feasibility Pre-Design, Development Controls
Similar Projects: Urban Design Review, Concept Design & Feasibility Analysis, Dora Street