Urban Design Archives - Studio GL
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Seniors Living Design

Studio GL, working as part of a team headed by Lewis + Zwart Architecture, were commissioned by the Warrumbungle Shire Council to create a masterplan and detailed designs for the Three Rivers Regional Retirement Community at Dunedoo. Initial funding was for 11 self-care units on the site but the masterplan allows for future development of up to 21 self-care units. Subsequently additional funding has been sourced to enable development of all 21 units.

Studio GL worked with the architects to identify the best option for access and circulation across the site with the aim to reduce the amount of roadworks required, create lots with better solar access and also focus views away from the highway and towards an area of open space along a creek to the east. We also recommended the use of centralised parking courts in the awkward “corners” of the site to provide parking that allowed dwellings to become a more prominent element along the street views.

This project is currently under construction.


Services: Masterplanning, Residential Design


Similar Projects: Seniors Living Product Guide

Urban Design Review

Studio GL was commissioned by the residents of Bonner Avenue and North Steyne, Manly to review a development application for the proposed development of an apartment building on an adjoining site.

We assessed the proposed development’s compliance with the standards set by SEPP 65 and the Residential Flat Design Code and prepared a concise document outlining evidence of the proposed development’s non-compliance which was supplied to the residents, we also spoke at The Manly Independent Assessment Panel (MPIA). The panel found the development had excessive height, with poor contextual regard to neighbours and non-compliant setbacks affecting the amenity & privacy of neighbours. The panel also stated that the proposed development would set a poor precedent for future development in the area and unanimously refused approval.


Client: Residents of Bonner Avenue & North Steyne, Manly


Project date: 2015


Services: Feasibility Pre-Design, Residential Design


Similar Projects: Strategic Planning & Built-form ControlsUrban Infill Concept & Feasibility Analysis, Concept Design & Feasibility Analysis

Masterplans for Cessnock Cemeteries

Studio GL, working in collaboration with Sym Studio, undertook consultation and masterplanning to support an update of Cessnock Council’s Cemeteries Strategy. Studio GL developed a consultation strategy to understand the community’s needs in relation to their local cemeteries, using a diverse range of awareness raising and consultation techniques such as a local press strategy, online survey and community workshops. The findings of the consultation were summarised in a consultation report which formed part of the background studies.

The recommendations report provides detailed concept masterplans for the two largest cemeteries; the combined facility at Aberdare Cemetery / Gordon Williams Memorial Lawn Cemetery and the Kurri Kurri General and Lawn Cemeteries. The report also provided recommendations for eight other cemeteries located within the local government area, which proposed options for upgrades including the provision of toilet facilities, shade structures, additional interment options and improved landscaping.


Client: Cessnock City Council


Project date: 2017


Services: Masterplanning, Community Engagement 

Canada Bay DCP – Desktop Publishing

In 2014, we developed a new and comprehensive graphic template for the Canada Bay DCP. The desktop publishing of 800+ pages has improved the communication of controls and provisions and resulted in a document that is significantly clearer and more user-friendly.

Prepared in Adobe InDesign, the DCP can be edited by Council and has proven its value over the years, with most amendments being undertaken in-house. The greatest benefit has been the automated programming (e.g. content tables, numbering, font and paragraph styles) and the clear graphic language, layout and colour-coded chapters.

Subsequently, we have created new sections that are easily integrated, and the document has evolved to include local character statements for selected areas, expanded neighbourhood and mixed use centre controls, medium density housing provisions, engineering specifications, improved diagrams and plans, and the integration of previously separate documents such as the Breakfast Point, Drummoyne Village and Rhodes West DCPs.

Client: City of Canada Bay

Project date: 2014-2019

Port Kembla Revitalisation

Studio GL was engaged to assist Wollongong City Council in the preparation of the Port Kembla 2505 Revitalisation Plan. Our role included organising community consultation, providing urban design analysis and advice and the preparation of diagrams, sketches and artist impressions to explain the ideas.
The community consultation for this project was conducted in two stages. The first stage included gaining an understanding of the thoughts and desires of the community through hands-on interactive workshops using placemaking maps, visioning & ideas boards, and summaries of previous plans & visions. The second stage included gathering community feedback on Wollongong Council’s vision and ideas presented through diagrams, sketches and visualisations. The consultation strategy and detailed comments from the community along with a detailed urban design analysis, were submitted to Wollongong Council in a Background Report.
Diagrams, sketches and artist impressions created by Studio GL were included in Wollongong Council’s draft Port Kembla 2505 Revitalisation Plan which was placed on Public Exhibition in February 2018.


Client: Stockland -Wollongong City Council


Project date: 2017


Services: Town Centre StudiesMasterplanningStrategic Thinking & Planning, Community Engagement


Similar Projects: Five Dock Town Centre MasterplanNowra CBD Development Controls, Nowra Riverfront Precinct, Victoria Road Urban Design Review, Upper Hunter Town Centres Revitalisation

Seniors Living Product Guide

At Studio GL we believe that everyone deserves to be given the opportunity to live in well designed communities and Australia’s aging population is creating a demand for a diverse range of dwelling types and facilities for this ever growing demographic

With a long history of working on retirement communities, the team at Studio GL have developed a detailed approach that seeks to create settlements with a strong and attractive sense of place. Our approach is characterised by efficient street and block patterns, careful placement of dwellings and diverse community amenities designed to develop genuinely vibrant communities that will continue to reap benefits throughout the life of the community.


Services: Research, Residential Design


Similar Projects: Three Rivers Retirement Community

The Turf – MAAS Architecture Commission 2019

Studio GL’s entry for the 2019 MAAS Architecture Commission was called ‘The Turf’, which proposed transforming the Powerhouse Museum’s forecourt into a visible, welcoming and inviting green space. One aim of the Turf was to ‘lift the lid’ on the absence of green spaces in this part of Sydney.

Conceived of as a grassed platform upon which events could occur, and as an oversized ‘backyard’ for the surrounding area, the Turf was designed as an oasis where people can engage with design at the most basic level through a series of inclusive, diverse and temporal interventions developed in partnership with community groups or where they can just hang out and enjoy the space. A program of events identified activities that were designed to last a few hours, with others stretching over many days.

The curve of The Turf at the southern end increased visibility of the green, creating a gentle containment and making the space appear larger. From within the space, the view is drawn to the city skyline and the blue summer sky. Some of the activities that were planned in the space included lectures, music, storytelling, crafting, napping, organised, sports events, water play, movie night, food and a Referendum Day.


Date: 2018


Services: Community Engagement 


Strategic Planning & Built-form Controls

Studio GL was commissioned to prepare site-specific planning controls as part of a rezoning of a former bowling club in Drummoyne from RE2 Private Recreation to R3 Medium Density Residential. We undertook a site analysis and developed planning and built form controls based on an understanding of the site’s conditions, including solar access, neighbouring built form and interface to surrounding buildings, and consideration of the visual impact of the building mass when viewed from the Sydney Harbour foreshore.

3D modelling of the initial built form envelope enabled investigation of the shadow impacts on neighbouring properties and streetscapes. After feedback from the planning panel we developed envelope controls for the DCP that clearly identified the location and scale of the building massing and the location of balconies.


Client: City of Canada Bay


Project date: 2015


Services: Feasibility Pre-Design, Development Controls


Similar Projects: Urban Design ReviewConcept Design & Feasibility Analysis, Dora Street

Strategic Centres

Studio GL, working with HillPDA, were engaged by the NSW Department of Planning & Environment to assess the viability and future strategic development of sixteen of Sydney’s strategic centres and consider the opportunities and the barriers to economic growth for each centre.

Studio GL generated analysis diagrams that identified the key urban design characteristics of the centres, including the barriers to access and movement and the location of key land uses. We also attended half-day workshops with HillPDA to identify the spatial characteristics, to brainstorm the characteristics of successful centres and to identify opportunities for short-term wins as well as the potential game changers.

Inspired by this project Diana Griffiths wrote an article with Elle Clouston from HillPDA for the New Planner (September 2015) titled “Successful centres: protecting Sydney’s long-term productivity” which can be viewed online at: http://www.planning.org.au/documents/item/6981


Client: NSW Department of Planning & Environment


Project date: 2015


Services: Strategic Thinking & Planning, Research, Transport Urban Design


Similar Projects: TAP Station Precinct Upgrades 

Port Kembla Town Centre Facade Upgrade

The Port Kembla Town Centre is currently undergoing significant revitalisation. To support the on-going improvements throughout the retail precinct, Wollongong City Council engaged Studio GL, along with John Oultram Heritage & Design, to undertake a Town Centre Façade Upgrade Audit and to develop a Design Guide.

Working collaboratively to assess and document all 86 properties in the study area, Studio GL and JO H&D focused on the physical condition, street activation and streetscape character of these predominantly Inter-War and Post War buildings.

The Town Centre has retained much of its 1930’s era building stock and the Design Guide was prepared to support building owners and tenants in the process of undertaking façade upgrade works such as awning replacement and façade painting, so that all works support the historic character of this unique area.

Using a range of graphic techniques, the Design Guide clearly identifies the key elements of the character of the area and provides suggestions for how to enhance and strengthen the streetscape along this historic retail street.


Client: Wollongong City Council


Project date: 2017


Services: Town Centre Studies, MasterplanningStrategic Thinking & Planning


Similar Projects: Merriwa Town Centre Masterplan, Scone Town Centre Masterplan, Aberdeen Town Centre Masterplan, Murrurundi Town Centre Masterplan, Nowra CBD Development Controls, Five Dock Town Centre Urban Design Study