The successful integration of transport and interchange facilities into the wider context of the precinct or neighbourhood is a critical city shaping activity and is essential to ensuring that active and public transport modes are attractive, safe and well used and that they accommodate the needs of all customers including the elderly, children and those with reduced mobility.
At Studio GL we work to uncover the challenges and reshape the designs of every transport project, to improve their ability to create and support successful places for the long term, to create places which have a strong positive identity, are accessible by all and provide effective and safe interchange between modes for all users. Studio GL’s experience ranges from consideration of future regional rail corridors (Regional Fast Rail), detailed station and precinct designs (Sydney Metro) and detailed transport studies (MEEP Access Study, Wollongong Station Precinct Plan).
Studio GL staff have been working on integrated transport and urban design projects for over 10 years and from this experience we have learnt that effective station precinct and interchange design involves far more than just providing safe and attractive routes to the station and accommodating effective interchange between different modes of travel. It is also important to ensure places are legible, where public transport is easy to find and where it is supported by complimentary uses that are designed to encourage activation and passive surveillance throughout the day and into the evening.
Projects: Rhodes Station Precinct